Sun. 12 Jul, 2020 - Sat. 18 Jul, 2020
Tue. 14 Jul, 2020
Town Council Meeting
Tue. 14 Jul, 2020 6:00 pm
Town Council Meetings
Trenton Town Council meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month in the Council Chambers.
(Second floor of the Administration Building - 120 Main Street, Trenton)
Meeting Hours
Town Council meetings begin at 6:00pm yearround.
There is no Council meeting held during the month of August.
In the event of a holiday or cancellation, please call Town Hall at 902-752-5311 for information on alternate dates/times.
Town Council Meeting
Tue. 14 Jul, 2020 7:00 pm
Town Council Meetings
Trenton Town Council meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month in the Council Chambers.
(Second floor of the Administration Building - 120 Main Street, Trenton)
Until further notice, the Town Council meetings are closed to the general public to ensure distancing protocols are met.
Meeting Hours
Town Council meetings begin at 7:00pm except for the July meeting which begins at 4:30pm.
Committee of the Whole meetings begin at 7:00pm (year-round).
In the event of a holiday or cancellation, please call Town Hall at 902-752-5311 for information on alternate dates/times.
Fri. 17 Jul, 2020
Garbage Pick Up
All day
Garbage pick-up is scheduled for every second Friday. Recyclables and garbage are picked up on the same day.