Public Works

Sewer System

Trenton's combined sewage system carries domestic and storm water to interceptor mains, which transmit waste to the East River Pollution Abatement Plant for treatment.


Trenton has approximately 32 km of streets, most of which are paved, curbed and guttered. During winter, our snow removal operations are second to none in this area. Current access to the Trans-Canada Highway is either through New Glasgow or via the Trenton-Abercrombie Connector to Highway 106.

Snow Removal Policy

During a snow storm, the emergency routes are plowed first for the safety and security of all Trenton residents. This route consists of Main Street, Forge Street, Park Road, Seventh Street, Strickland Avenue, Fourteenth Street, Duke Street, Maple Street, and part of Oak Street. These streets MUST be kept open for emergency vehicles. Multiple trips are required depending on the width, severity of the storm and whether it’s a major or minor route. Emergency routes require more passes while minor streets are typically opened up and later widened as the storm diminishes. Parking lots are plowed after the storm or when all streets are plowed. This is a standard policy that has been in place for many years to make snow removal in the Town more efficient. We thank all residents for their understanding and acceptance of this matter.


Removal of Portable Basketball Nets

Public Works requests the removal of all portable basketball nets from any roadway or sidewalks near your property prior to the first snowfall of winter before they freeze and cannot be easily moved. Once frozen, the nets can cause safety issues as the snow clearing equipment cannot properly clear the roads or sidewalks. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Snow Removal & Landscape Repair

During the winter season, snow removal and the safety of the Town is of the upmost importance. We know that there may be times the Town of Trenton snow removal equipment causes damage to residential landscapes. Damage  done to any landscape features during this time which was caused by Town owned equipment will be restored in the spring by the Public Works staff. If any damage from snow removal occurs, please contact the Town of Trenton office at 902-752-5311 to record the location for future repair. 

Reporting Public Works Issues

To report Public Works Emergencies (including but not limited to emergencies related to wastewater and storm water systems, water line breaks, leaking water meters, etc.), please contact: 

Public Works Superintendent
Darryl Marcott
Available for calls during daytime office hours & for afterhours emergencies.
If you don’t reach the Superintendent immediately, please leave a message with your name, location, phone number & detailed issue.
Tel: 902-752-6907

Town Administration Office
Available for calls Monday to Friday (excluding holidays) - 8:30am to 4:30pm
Tel: 902-752-5311