Water Bill

PUBLIC NOTICE - The following public notice was included with water bills mailed April 2023. This notice also includes updates that will occur effective April 1, 2024, and April 1, 2025:

Water Usage Charges

Residents are charged on a 'user pay' basis for water. This means you only pay for the water you use - the more you use, the higher your water use charge. Residents are directly billed for the water they use, as well their share of the costs for transporting clean water to their homes and carrying wastewater away from their homes for treatment and release back into the environment. Water use is measured by water meters

Water Meter Readings

The Town manages approximately 1,100 water accounts. Water meter reading information is obtained from remote sensors or radio frequency (RF) transmitters that are located on the inside of each home, business and facility within municipal boundaries. This information is transmitted through our RF network and downloaded into Trenton’s water billing system and used to produce bills quarterly (January, April, July and October).

Meters must always be accessible so they can be readily examined, read or replaced by our staff as needed. We recommend leaving an unobstructed space in front of the water meter.

Water Rates

Your water bill includes a Water Usage Charge & Base Rate. Rates effective April 1, 2024.

Water Rate - $2.63*
*per cubic meter.

Base Rate - The base rate is a flat rate set by the Nova Scotia Utility & Review Board and is dependent on the size of service pipe. The standard size pipe going into a residential dwelling is 5/8".

Pipe SizeBase Rate
5/8"  $73.84
3/4" $109.74
1"  $181.54
1 1/2" $361.05
2" $576.46
3" $1,150.88
4" $1,797.10
6" $3,592.15
8" $6,464.24

Unmetered Charge per Quarter is $252.71.

Nova Scotia Utility & Review Board - Town of Trenton Details

Payment Options

There are several options for owners to pay their Water & Sewer Bills in Trenton:

  • In-person at Town Hall (120 Main Street, Trenton) Town Hall public office hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
  • Online Banking - Use your Municipal Account Number found on your utility bill for online banking. The account number needed will be numbers only (12345678) unlike your customer code which has letters & numbers (NAMEA001) - do not use this code for online banking. Please use the first 8 digits only. Do not include the decimal (.00) for online banking.
  • Mailed Cheques - Cheques can be made out to "Town of Trenton" and mailed to: Town of Trenton, P.O. Box 328, Trenton, NS B0K 1X0
  • At your local bank branch - Bring your utility bill to your local bank branch for payment. 
  • Direct Payment Plan - To set up a direct payment plan, please complete the pdf Pre-Authorized Payment Plan – Acknowledgement Form (945 KB)  and submit to Town Hall with a void cheque or automatic withrawal form from your banking institution. For more information, please contact Town Hall at 902-752-5311.

Late Payments

The total amounts billed must be paid by the due date to avoid interest charges. Interest will accumulate at 1.25% per month to all outstanding amounts following the due date.

Online payments may take 2-3 business days (Monday to Friday) to be processed by your bank. For this reason, payments do not reach the Town on the same day the payment is made. For example, payments made late Saturday or on Sunday are not likely to be received by the Town until at least Tuesday. Banking institutions are closed on many holidays which will also affect their processing time. Please take this into consideration as interest may be charged if the payment has not reached the Town by the billing due date.

Cheques mailed to the Town are processed when they are recieved. This means the cheque date is not considered the actual payment date. Please take this into consideration when mailing payments by cheque. To ensure payments are recieved in a timely manner, consider post-dating your cheque and mailing it early enough to be recieved and processed by the Town prior to/on the billing due date.

Understanding Your Water Bill

The graphic below was created to help residents understand the information on their Water Bill: