Dangerous & Unsightly Properties
How to Make a Complaint
The dangerous and unsightly complaint form can be picked up at the main office or printed from the Related Documents section of this page.
The Town will only conduct an investigation of a dangerous or unsightly property once a complaint form has been received and has been signed by the complainant.
Complaints shall be considered confidential, but are subject to Part XX of the Municipal Government Act & Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Dangerous & Unsightly Definition
The Town of Trenton enforces the requirements of Section 15 of the Municipal Government Act of Nova Scotia. The Act requires that "every property in a municipality shall be maintained so as not to be dangerous or unsightly."
"dangerous or unsightly" means partly demolished, decayed, deteriorated or in a state of disrepair so as to be dangerous, unsightly or unhealthy, and includes property containing:
- ashes, junk, cleanings of yards or other rubbish or refuse or a derelict vehicle, vessel, item of equipment or machinery, or bodies of these or parts thereof,
- an accumulation of wood shavings, paper, sawdust, dry and inflammable grass or weeds or other combustible material, or
iia. an accumulation or collection of materials or refuse that is stockpiled, hidden or stored away and is dangerous, unsightly, unhealthy or offensive to a person, - any other thing that is dangerous, unsightly, unhealthy or offensive to a person,
and includes property or a building or structure with or without deficiencies - that is in a ruinous or dilapidated condition,
- the condition of which seriously depreciates the value of land or buildings in the vicinity
- that is in such a state of non-repair as to be no longer suitable for human habitation or business purposes
- that is an allurement to children who may play there to their danger
- constituting a hazard to the health or safety of the public
- that is unsightly in relation to neighbouring properties because the exterior finish of the building or structure is not maintained
- that is a fire hazard to itself or to surrounding lands or buildings, or
- that has been excavated or had fill placed on it in a manner that results in a hazard, or
- that is in a poor state of hygiene or cleanliness.