Town Council
(Back from left): Deputy Mayor Steven Cotter, Former Council Member Heather Head, Councillor VJ Earle, Councillor Nicole LeBlanc
(Front from left): Mayor Donald Hussher & Chief Administrative Officer Alanna Grover.
Your Town Council consists of a Mayor, and four (4) Town Councillors, each elected for a four-year term. Trenton voters elect the Mayor and Councillors, while the Deputy Mayor is selected and appointed through a Council motion annually. Councillors do not represent a specific district or ward, but rather each serves the Town as a whole.
Connect with Council
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Meet Your Mayor & Council
Mayor Donald Hussher
Year Elected to Mayor: 2020
Year Elected to Council: 2005
Don Hussher recently retired as the Chief of Police for the Towns of Westville and Stellarton, he has over 43 years of Police Service. After 15 honorable years of military service he retired with the commissioned rank of Captain. He was posted with the Black Watch Royal Highlanders of Canada and the Canadian Airborne Regiment. Don has over 50 years of active community volunteer work. He has over 26 years' service with the Boy Scouts of Canada. He was founder and Director of both the Westville and New Glasgow Police Ventures/Rovers. He has 10 years leadership service with the Royal Canadian Army Cadets, 26 years volunteer service with crime prevention, 5 years leadership with boys and girls clubs of Canada and 27 years working with seniors. He was the founder of the Seniors Watch Program. He holds the Duke of Edinburgh Leadership Award, the Canadian Forces Decoration, the Police Exemplary Service Medal, several community meritorious service and volunteer awards. He was appointed to the Order of Merit of Police Forces in 2002. He is married to Pat (Fraser).
- Audit Committee
- Planning & Advisory Committee
Councillor Heather Head
Year Elected to Council: 2020
- Heather served on Trenton Council until February 27, 2024. We wish her all the best on her new adventures & thank her for her dedicated service to our community over the years.
Councillor Nicole LeBlanc
Year Elected to Council: 2020
Nicole LeBlanc and fiancé John moved to Trenton in 2011. You can meet her frequenting the outdoors including walking the Town trails with their boxer, Tyson.
Nicole obtained a Bachelor of Public Relations from Mount Saint Vincent University, as well as a Bachelor of Arts from St. FX. Her background in communications and fundraising has served her well in both her professional experiences and volunteer efforts on local boards across Pictou County including the Hemlock Group, which spearheaded the revitalization plans for Trenton Park.
She currently serves as the Project Navigator for Healthy Pictou County, a physician-led community effort to attract and retain healthcare professionals and students in our community. This position has Nicole highlighting what our community has to offer daily and is excited to bring her appreciation and passion for her chosen home to her new role as Councillor.
Nicole is encouraged to see a balance of experience and fresh perspectives on Town Council. She believes having a voice representing young people in our community while continuing to respect our strong history and traditions will help our beautiful Town thrive.
- Audit Committee
- Accessibility Committee
Councillor VJ Earle
Year Elected to Council: 2016
VJ Earle is a long-time resident of the Town of Trenton where he resides with his wife Wendy. Together they raised their five children in Trenton, most of whom continue to reside here with their own children and are also actively involved in community events.
This is VJ’s second term on Town Council. He retired from Michelin after 35 years. He has always been a huge supporter of recreation in Trenton including minor ball and minor hockey spending many years as a volunteer and coach. He is well known for organizing the Joe Earle Victoria Day Road Races for many years, with his children now taking on the role of continuing this proud Trenton tradition.
- Audit Committee
- Asset Management Committee
- Planning & Advisory Committee
- Trenton FunFest Committee
Deputy Mayor Steven Cotter
Year Elected to Council: 2020
Previously Served on Council: 2008-2016
Steven Cotter has lived in Trenton for over 40 years with his wife Cathy (Purvis). Married for 44 years, they raised their children John and Jaclyn in Trenton and now have two teenage granddaughters (Chyanne and Cierra).
Steven is proud to be a long-serving member of the Trenton Fire Department, now in his 40th year. He is also on the executive of the Pictou County Firefighters Association. He is now retired, previously employed as an automotive technician with Canadian Tire and with the New Glasgow Fire Department as a driver operator. Steven is presently employed with the Chignecto Central Regional School Board as a school bus driver.
Steven was previously elected to Town Council for eight years and is pleased to be able to offer his services again for the next four years!
- Audit Committee
- Source Water Protection Committee
- Glen Haven Board of Directors