Off-highway Vehicle Use in Trenton


Re: Off-highway Vehicle (OHV) Use

In the springtime, when the ground begins to thaw and becomes soft, use of off-highway vehicles can create visible damage to trails (as seen in the photo below). Unfortunately, when off-highway vehicles use trails unintended for such use, there can also be damage to vegetation, increased runoff, soil erosion, and degradation of water quality.
Per the Off-highway Vehicles Act. R.S., c. 323, s. 1.:
Permission of owner or occupier
14 (1) No person shall operate an off-highway vehicle on a sidewalk, walkway, school grounds, utility service lane, cultivated land, private forest land, campground, golf course, park, playground or any private property, without the written permission of the owner or occupier.
The Act is available in full online: Off-highway Vehicle Act 
What does this mean?
In short, the Town does not permit the use of off-highway vehicles (OHV) on any Town-owned lands including trails or within Trenton Park. You are not allowed to use off-highway vehicles on any lands which you do not own, and you do not have written permission from the property owner to be on their lands with your off-highway vehicle.
What if there are no signs stating OHV are not permitted?
Signage is not required as the Town does not have any lands where off-highway vehicles are permitted. If you do not have written permission from a property owner, you are not permitted to be on their lands with an off-highway vehicle. This is the law.
What should I do if someone is using an OHV on my land without my permission?
If you find someone using their OHV on your land without your permission and wish to make a complaint, please contact the New Glasgow Regional Police Non-Emergency Line at 902-752-1941.
What should I do if I see someone using an OHV on Town-owned land or property other than my own?
If you find someone using their OHV on Town-owned land or property other than your own and wish to make a complaint, please contact the Town of Trenton at 902-752-5311.
What should I do if I find damage on Town-owned land (including trails) caused by an OHV?
Please report any damage found to the Town of Trenton by calling 902-752-5311.
For a breakdown of Provincial Rules and Regulations regarding Off-highway Vehicle use, visit:

Do Not Flush Wipes


Please Do NOT Flush Any Household Wipes

In these current times, it is especially important to remind resident's not to flush wipes of any kind including ones that claim to be "flushable" or "biodegradable".

To Flush or Not to Flush:Are Flushable Wipes Really Safe to Flush?

Wet wipes are marketed as “flushable” so there should be no problem with flushing them down the toilet, right? Wrong! Even though these wipes do eventually break down, they take a longer amount of time to do so compared to toilet paper. Since the breakdown of wet wipes aren’t as rapid, clogged pipes and blockages occur more frequently. Wipes can also cause clogged sewers and get tangled in pumps and equipment. Thick toilet paper, paper towels, cotton swabs, dental floss, sanitary pads, and toilet cleaning pads are all commonly flushed items that contribute to clogs and backups. They ALL belong in the regular garbage.

Thank you for your cooperation!