
Camping at Trenton Park Ad Hoc Committee

Camping at Trenton Park Ad Hoc Committee
Seeking Volunteer Members

Town Council has approved an ad hoc committee be created to look into the feasibility of opening a campground at Trenton Park. This will be a temporary group formed to address this specific issue.

If you’re interested in becoming part of this ad hoc Committee, an application form for prospective members is available below, can be requested by email or picked up at Town Hall during public office hours (Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm).

Application Process

Completed applications can be submitted by email or dropped off at Town Hall:

Town Hall
120 Main Street, Trenton NS

Deputy Mayor Scott Cameron


Thank you for your interest!

2025 Property Assessment Notices

2025 Property Assessment Notices have been mailed by Property Valuation Services Corporation (PVSC).

Did you know you can find more information about your 2025 property assessment online?

Log into My Property Report at with the Assessment Account Number (AAN) and PIN on your 2025 Property Assessment Notice.

Still have questions?

Assessors are available by phone at 1-800-380-7775 or email at

Community Grants Policy & Application Process 2025-26

Town of Trenton Community Grants Policy & Application Process

Every year the Town receives requests for support from many community groups and causes. Responding to such requests on an ad hoc or “as received” basis may result in unequitable treatment of requests that are received late in the fiscal year or may not allow Council to best prioritize such requests for maximum impact in the community. The Community Grants Policy was put into effect June 12, 2018, to begin for the 2019 fiscal year and beyond.

Community Grant Applications for the 2025-26 fiscal period are now being considered. Applications must be received no later than February 28th, 2025, to be assessed in preparation for the 2025-26 General Operating Budget. Applicants who received funding in 2024-25 and who do not apply for 2025-26 may not be considered for further grant funding.

Although the Town of Trenton cannot fund all applications received, we appreciate the interest of community groups in our program. Consideration of any funding requests received after the approval of the General Operating Budget will be limited to the availability of unallocated funds until such time as they are exhausted.

How to Apply

The Community Grants Policy & application form may be obtained from Town Hall (120 Main Street, Trenton) during public office hours (Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm), by calling 902-752-5311 or by visiting Community Grants section of the Town website.

Deadline for receipt of applications is: Friday, February 28, 2025.

Please drop off your application form and any supporting materials to Town Hall or mail to:

Town of Trenton
PO Box 328
Trenton, NS
B0K 1X0

Winter Parking Regulations 2024-2025

Public Notice - Winter Parking Regulations 2024-2025

Whereas due to the congestion on the streets and highways in the communities of New Glasgow and Trenton caused by vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the limitation on the free use of the streets liable to be caused by the presence of snow and ice thereon and notwithstanding that certain traffic signs have been erected in these communities prohibiting or permitting vehicles to park or stand upon any street during the hours stated thereon: 

  1. No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle upon any street in these communities between the hours of 01:00 m. and 07:00 a.m. of the same day.
  2. No owner, driver or person having control or custody of any vehicle shall between the1st day of December 2024 and the 1st day of April 2025, park or leave unattended by a person authorized to move and capable of operating the same upon any street in the above manner as to hinder, inconvenience or prevent removal or snow or ice from such highway or
  3. No owner, driver or person having control or custody of any vehicle shall during the period from one hour after any snowstorm has commenced to two hours after such snowstorm has stopped, park the vehicle if it is unattended by a person authorized to move and capable of operating the same, upon any street in these

Nothing in the foregoing shall apply to:

  1. A motor vehicle of a physician or surgeon parked reasonably near his/her office or residence and immediately available for professional calls.
  2. A motor vehicle parked by a physician or surgeon who is engaged in his/her professional occupation and reasonably near where he/she is so engaged.
  3. A motor vehicle parked by an operator who is engaged in discharging his/her duties as a Police Officer or a member of the police or the armed services.
  4. A motor vehicle parked by an operator who is engaged in discharging his/her duties as a member of a Fire Department.
  5. A commercial vehicle parked by an operator for the purpose of loading or unloading merchandise.
  6. A motor vehicle belonging to a public utility company or corporation parked reasonably near the residence of an operator and immediately available for emergency call.

It shall be an offence for any person to fail to comply with these regulations and such person will be liable to a penalty as provided by Section 293 of the Motor Vehicle Act. In addition, under section 139 of the Nova Scotia Motor Vehicle Act, tickets can be issued and vehicles can be towed any time, day or night, if they are parked in a way that interferes with snow clearing.

No person shall remove or permit to be removed snow or ice from a property onto a public street, sidewalk, or other public place. 

Businesses are reminded that it is your responsibility to remove all snow and ice from the sidewalk abutting their property including the street corner.

Chief Ryan Leil
Town of New Glasgow & Trenton

Upgrades Announced for Outdoor Recreation Facilities

Announcement 2024 06 21

Hon. Pat Dunn, MLA for Pictou Centre, was in Trenton recently with Councillors Nicole LeBlanc, VJ Earle and Steven Cotter, Chief Administrative Officer Alanna Grover, and Recreation Director Craig Murray for the exciting announcement.

Upgrades Announced for Outdoor Recreation Facilities!

The Town of Trenton is thrilled to announce the upgrading of three outdoor recreation facilities thanks to a one-time contribution of $650,000 from the Province of Nova Scotia’s Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage. The upgrades will include a new skateboard park, pickleball court and multisport court equipped with nets for both basketball and road hockey. These upgraded facilities will be located on the corner of Main Street/First Street and Duchess Avenue, down from the future home of the Pictou County Sports Heritage Hall of Fame.

In addition, Scotia Park Ball Field (Strickland Avenue) will be reviewed for necessary upgrades.

The Town understands that our recreational infrastructure plays an important role in our residents’ quality of life, as well as our ability to attract visitors and new residents to our community. We continue to work diligently at promoting a healthier community, improve infrastructure and foster economic growth to create a Town where our residents’ can live, work and play.

Work is anticipated to be completed in fall 2024.

2024-25 Budget & Tax Rate

2024-2025 Budget & Tax Rate

At the Town Council meeting on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, Council approved, accepted, and adopted the General Operating Budget of the Town of Trenton for the fiscal year from April 01, 2024, to March 31, 2025, in the amount of $5,551,670.00. 

After careful consideration by Council, we have approved the Town’s tax rates to remain unchanged from the previous fiscal as follows:

  • Residential & Resource property tax rate to stay at $2.04 per $100 of assessment
  • Commercial property tax rate to stay at $4.10 per $100 of assessment
  • Fire Protection rate to stay at $0.145 per $100 of assessment
  • Solid Waste (garbage collection) annual user fee rate of $146.00 per dwelling unit

Dependent on property assessments, property owners should see no change in their final tax bills set to be issued in September 2024.

Each year, the Town of Trenton aims to build a budget that balances setting a reasonable tax rate and delivering quality services while planning for significant infrastructure needs. Council has faced many difficult decisions over the past four years and continues to be committed to making fiscally responsible decisions in the best interest of our community. We are confident Trenton is on track for a sustainable and vibrant future.


Mayor Donald Hussher & Town Council


Related Documents:

Fisheries Act Violation Details

Message from Mayor, Council & Chief Administrative Officer

Dear Residents,

In December 2023, the Town of Trenton pled guilty to an offence under the federal government’s Fisheries Act. The Town was sentenced on February 15, 2024.

The plea is connected to the Town’s lack of action to address a blocked sewer pipe, discovered in the fall of 2017, which caused the backup of untreated sewage into the Park Road manhole, which then over-flowed through an outfall pipe before discharging into the discharge path leading to Lowden Brook.

The situation was not addressed until January 2020, following a citizen complaint to the federal Department of Environment and Climate Change (ECCC). In response to the results of testing, which indicated the untreated sewage effluent flowing through the pipe constituted a “deleterious substance,” and therefore, a violation of the Fisheries Act, the Town took immediate action, replacing 200 feet of sewage pipe over the course of two days.

There was no indication of environmental harm to the impacted fish habitat as a result of the deposit of the untreated sewage effluent into the Lowden Brook and East River.

While the issue was addressed in January 2020, this matter has just recently been heard by the court. The Town pled guilty to the violation. We have been working with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and will fully comply with the terms of our court order. We are focused on meeting the requirements of the order, which includes training, public notification requirements, and testing and reporting requirements.

The Town has three years to pay the fine of $100,000 and at this time it is not expected to have an impact on residents’ taxes, programs, or services.

We acknowledge, and regret, that the appropriate steps were not taken to address this issue at the time it was discovered. We are committed to making sure this does not happen again, through further work on our wastewater and storm water systems. We will provide regular updates on the status of these projects.


Mayor, Council and CAO


Information will be posted here as it becomes available:


Reporting Public Works Emergencies

To report Public Works Emergencies (including but not limited to emergencies related to wastewater and storm water systems, water line breaks, leaking water meters, etc.), please contact:

Public Works Superintendent, Darryl Marcott
Available for calls during daytime office hours & for afterhours emergencies.
Tel: 902-752-6907

Town Administration Office
Available for calls Monday to Friday (excluding holidays) - 8:30am to 4:30pm
Tel: 902-752-5311

Trenton Water Utility Water Rate Increase

Trenton Water Utility Water Rate Increases

The Town of Trenton, on behalf of its Water Utility, applied to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board for approval to amend its Schedule of Rates and Charges for Water and Water Services and its Schedule of Rules and Regulations. After due public notice, a hearing was held on December 14, 2022. The Schedule of Rates and Charges, including the public fire protection charge were approved by the Board, for Water and Water Services supplied on and after April 1, 2023, April 1, 2024, and April 1, 2025, respectively.

The average water bill in Nova Scotia is currently between $135 and $145 per quarter. In Trenton, the average water bill is currently $64 per quarter which equates to only $21 per month. The last water rate increase in Trenton was effective April 1, 2011, with no increase in 12 years.

Proposed increases for an average home (with four residents) are:

  • Effective April 1, 2023 – from $64.20 to $141.60 per quarter
    (Average increase of $309.60/year, $77.40/quarter, $5.95/week, or 85 cents/day)

  • Effective April 1, 2024 – from $141.60 to $165.47 per quarter
    (Average increase of $95.48/year, $23.87/quarter, $1.84/week, or 26 cents/day)

  • Effective April 1, 2025 – from $165.47 to $199.40 per quarter
    (Average increase of $135.72/year, $33.93/quarter, $2.61/week, or 37 cents/day

A large part of the increase, specifically in years 2 and 3, is the result of replacing the aging reservoir and upgrading the water pressure booster station and treatment plant. These improvements are essential for the delivery of safe drinking water.

 Approved increases are related to the changing provincial and federal environmental standards for drinking water, as well as the increases in costs for:

  • Power usage
  • Cost of chemicals and treatments supplies
  • Equipment
  • Transportation costs (fuel, insurance, repairs & maintenance)

    Welcome Home to Pictou County Guide

    The “Welcome Home to Pictou County Guide: A community guide to the place we call home” was created through a partnership between Healthy Pictou County, the Destination Eastern and Northumberland Shores Tourism Association (DEANS), the Pictou County Regional Enterprise Network (REN), and the Pictou County Chamber of Commerce. It was also designed and printed locally by Advocate Printing. Funding was received from the Province of Nova Scotia for a large portion of this project, and we are excited to have it completed.

    This guide is a wonderful piece for people considering our area, those new to the area, and even those who grew up in Pictou County. Take a look, you might just find something new!

    Stop by the local Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library branches to view a hard copy of the guide they will have on reference or visit the Healthy Pictou County website for more information and to view the electronic version (also available below). Any questions or details on ordering your own print run, please email Nicole LeBlanc.

    Welcome Home to Pictou County Guide: a community guide to the place we call home
