Frequently Asked Questions
When will I be receiving my tax bill in the mail?
Rent property taxes levied by the Town of Trenton are billed in installments as follows: 50% of the last period's taxes are billed on April 1st of each year and due on the last business day in May. The remainder of the current year tax levy is billed on September 1st and due on the last business day of October.
When will I be receiving my next water bill?
Water bills are sent quarterly (December, March, June, September). The Town recently undertook installation of water meters throughout the Town. If you have any questions, please call the Town Office at 902-752-5311.
Why do I (as a resident and taxpayer) need to pay for water that has been treated?
The Town of Trenton is committed to drinking water safety, and has been for years. The Town uses a multiple-barrier approach to water treatment and system management. The first barrier is "Keeping Clean Water Clean." This is acheived by protecting the sources from contamination.
The next main line of defence - "Making it Safe"- involves various steps to remove natural or man-made impurities. This is acheived by using adequate treatment methods to remove the impurities, including disinfection to inactivate micro-organisms, and effective operation of the treatment facility and distribution system. Chlorine is an effective disinfectant and is used to ensure confidence at the tap.
The final step in an effective multiple-barrier drinking water protection strategy is "Proving it's Safe." The Town continually monitors the water quality and takes swift, corrective action when deficiencies are identified.
When is the next Council meeting and how can I be placed on the agenda?
Council meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month. At the end of each meeting, the floor will be open to anyone who wishes to speak. For more information, please visit the Council Meetings page listed under the Town Hall section.
Can water bills and taxes be paid on-line or by telephone banking?
Yes, all water bills and taxes can be paid on-line or by telephone banking. Please call Town Hall for details at 902-752- 5311.
How do I find out who owns a particular piece of land?
You can contact the Planning & Development Dept.
Why doesn't the Town plow out senior's driveways?
The Town does not plow out senior's driveways because of insurance and liability issues.