Friends of Trenton Park Society
The Friends of Trenton Park Society is a non-profit group (est.1998) dedicated to promote and preserve Trenton Park. Our goal is to promote the Park as a year round destination for both county residents and tourists, as well as preserve the environmental integrity of the Park.
Society’s Mandate
- To support Trenton Park with capital improvements through fund raising
- To support Trenton Park through public relations and educational initiatives
- To support Trenton Park through various volunteer work tasks
- To protect the environmental integrity and ecosystems of Trenton Park
- To help develop and promote Trenton Park as a unique recreational facility
- To help develop and support Trenton Park as a tourist destination
Past Focus and Successes have been
- Acquiring student grants that assist Trenton Park with summer operations
- Volunteer support of Trenton Park activities such as special events
- Trail signage and park beautification
To help this Society thrive and continue to hold annual events at Trenton Park, we need more volunteers! Please contact:
Friends of Trenton Park Society
Tel: (902) 752-1019