Public Hearing Notice - Planning Strategy & Land Use By-law



Public Notice is hereby given that Trenton Town Council will hold a Public  Hearing to receive oral and written submissions and general input on an application to adopt a new Inter-municipal Planning Strategy (IPS), Secondary Planning Strategy (SPS) and uniform Land Use By-Law. In doing so, the Town of Trenton will adopt these planning documents in concert with the other participating towns in Pictou County. Each town will be considered a Secondary Planning Area within the inter-municipal context.

The proposed regional planning documents are wide ranging, but will specifically include new provisions to allow for the following:

  • the introduction of tiny homes in specific areas under new R6 Zoning;
  • the elimination of the Downtown Commercial (C1-A) Zone, & encompassing those lands within the Downtown Core (C1) Zone;
  • allowing for more as of right approval permitting for multi-unit residential development in specific areas, to address the housing crisis and meet federal and provincial funding requirements;
  • allowing for revisions concerning accessory buildings and structures, such as solar energy initiatives;
  • the rezoning of a small portion of lands near Trenton Airport to allow for residential development;
  • a number of other “housekeeping” amendments, to improve the readability,interpretation and administration of the planning documents.

Further details regarding these documents may be examined at the Trenton Town Office, 120 Main Street, Trenton, prior the Public Hearing between the hours of 9:00am and 4:00pm, Monday through Friday OR

By appointment with Acting Planner/Development Officer, Roland Burek, MCIP, LPP, at the Trenton Municipal Building, 120 Main Street, Trenton. Roland may be contacted by email at , or by phone at 902-752-4476.

The Public Hearing is to be held on October 8, 2024, in the Trenton Council Chambers (120 Main Street, Trenton NS) at 5:30pm.

Further information may be obtained from Roland Burek, Acting Planner/Development Officer at 902-752-4476 or the undersigned at 902-752-5311.

Alanna Grover
Chief Administrative Officer